Friday, 14 March 2014

Filming (Sarah)

The start of our filming

Having planned our film to its full potential we took out or equitment to our location and began to film. We firstly had to make sure all makeup and costume was to how we exactly wanted it and then explained our storyboard to our actress Georgie so filming would be more efficient. Our first shot was by the side of a road so we went through our risk assesment to ensure we had fufilled it all correctly. We then set the camera and lights up in the place we needed them and experimented with the way Georgie would be lying down to make it look as realistic as possible. 

After this I took a variety of panning shots across our location for the start of our film. This is to show the audience the setting but not give too much away. The isolate area looked very myserious which was the look we were going for. We decided not to use any lighting here and use simply natural light as it was strong enough. In editing we plan to dull the saturation to give more of an eerie thriller effect.

Problems that occured whilst filming

One problem that occured was whilst I was filming the scene where Georgie wakes up. The fake blood we had applied to her leg started to peel off and became very unrealistic. To solve this Hannah quickly applied more, however this took up more time so if we had the chance to film again we would've researched how long the fake blood stays on for. 

Post filming

Another problem we encountered was the background noise, we planned to keep a slight background noise to go with a quiet soundtrack but as we were filming on a farm road there was extra background noise we had not considered. We decided in editing we will erase all sound other m than dialogue and create multiple foley sound effects that we need.

After filming we checked over all our footage to see how it went and if there were any shots we needed to retake. Luckily we found all our shots were exactly how we wanted them. I think this is because of how well we had planned our storyboard. We didn't check our shots on the camera whilst filming as we didn't want to run out of battery as this could have been a problem. However we did take an extra battery and were prepared if this did happen.

1 comment:

  1. OK - a lot of things covered here. In future break posts down into more manageable chunks.
